Spirit Animal ♥ Soul Portrait

Get your personal Soul Portrait with your spirit animal

for self-empowerment & personal growth

Sometimes we need to see ourselves from a different perspective.


When I really connect to a person I often can feel the potential of the person and might even get a vision of the person living that potential. For example I might see the person as a goddess, as a nature spirit like a fairy, as an atlantic priestess/priest, or as a shaman.

…It can be like a personal archetype of the person. …A personal power, strength and potential that the person doesn’t know yet. And thus it might be difficult for the person to live that version of herself or himself.

The creation of YOUR personal Soul Portrait:

YOUR personal SOUL Portrait with your Spirit Animal

If you give me an order to paint such a commissioned soul portrait for you…
  • …We would do a personal video call together where you tell me about yourself & the specific personal behaviour or situation that you want to change.
  • In the next step I would do a soul journey for you where I would call in the personal spirit animal that wants to connect to you & that wants to help you in your specific situation at this moment in your life. In another personal video call I would tell you about your personal spirit animal & its messages I received for you.
  • Then I would start to paint the Soul Portrait of you with your spirit animal that came during the soul journey. While painting I always call in angels and other light beings to guide me. The painting process usually takes a couple of weeks or months to complete as it is a very deep transformative process.
  • In addition to that – depending on your personal situation – it also might be helpful for you to work with me in a personal coaching session e.g. ANGELIC BALANCE© or Angel Trance Coaching which are really really transformative tools.

Benefits for you:

To receive a portrait of yourself as a „higher version“ of yourself WITH your personal spirit animal can be really really helpful for you
  • to break the boundaries of old behaviour (e.g. not trusting yourself, making yourself small…)
  • to get a new mindset about yourself
  • to empower yourself & grow beyond victimhood

…and to finally become a new version of yourself.

Are you interested?

Then, let’s talk about it in a FREE personal video call. 🙂

Feel free to write me a message to → art@natalielarimar.com