Animals are such amazingly precious beings. And sometimes – like we humans too – they need divine help.

The ISIS ANGEL HEALING® is a great possibility for the higher realms such as Angels, Mother Mary, Jesus Christ etc. to come through and let their magic happen.

This is an amazing tool that Isabelle von Fallois – the German Angel Lady – channeled from the higher realms into this world. 2017 I had the honour to learn this tool from Isabelle and in the beginning of 2018 I was certified by her as a Master ANGEL LIFE COACH©.


Some words by Isabelle von Fallois about the ISIS ANGEL HEALING®:

„It is a wonderful tool to balance disturbances on the physical and psychic levels of the meridian and Chakra planes, stimulate self-healing abilities and also a perfectly gentle way to resolve traumatic experiences.

Of course, ISIS ANGEL HEALING® does not replace medical treatment or therapy.
ISIS ANGEL HEALING®s can be carried out in person, via Skype with a camera, or as a remote treatment.“


I love giving ISIS ANGEL HEALING®s to animals by remote treatment. It really works very well and the animals I treated loved it (and their owners loved it as well to see their pets feeling so much better again). 🙂


For further information  CONTACT ME →



 ISIS ANGEL HEALINGS® are not a substitute for medical or therapeutic treatment. I do not diagnose or make any statements about healing. If you make use of the services I offer, you are 100% responsible for the interpretation of the information you receive, as well as for the actions you derive from it.