Classical Portrait

I do commissioned classical portrait paintings…

  • …of one single person
  • …of couples or families
  • …of animals.

Some examples of the portrait paintings I created:

  • in monochrome colours
  • and in expressive colours


⇒ Please click on the image to see the whole artwork.


A portrait painting like this makes a great present for birthdays or for your wedding anniversary.
Or do you want to have a beautiful remembrance of a special person or animal you loved and dearly miss?


♥ To paint such kind of portrait I just need one or more reference photos in high quality.

Price on request

The price depends on different variables:

    • the number of persons and/or animals you want to be portrayed on the painting
    • the size of the painting
    • if you want the painting to be in monochrome colours (like you can see on the examples above) or in multicolour


 Contact me